Let’s get these questions answered
If you’re reading this, you’re already on the right path. It’s important to make sure that you have all the facts and know what to expect when you’re choosing a fence and having it installed. Let’s start with some of the simple questions and then move on to some of the more detailed questions. Off we go.
Does my fence have a warranty?
– Yes. All the fences we install have at least one kind of warranty: the Mr. Fence It Warranty. A warranty is only as good as the company providing it. We offer a service warranty with all our installations and we promise to help you with any warranty issues that may come up with a product. The vinyl, aluminum, and chain link fences all come with a limited lifetime or limited warranty so you can know your money is going into a quality product.
Do you put concrete on every post?
– Yes. Every. Single. Post. A post isn’t any good without concrete. Don’t be fooled by a cheap price. Make sure you know that you’re getting concrete on every post and be willing to pay for it. Mother Nature loves to come and test every fence installed and you want to make sure the post is ready for when she does.
Is my fence pool code?
It’s important to remember a few things when it comes to pool code: it changes from state to state, it’s based on an open span and not height, and it graduates in scale as the occupancy of the pool increases. Lets answer the question for 95% of you: you’ll need a span of about 45 inches of open air between rails (found on 4′ aluminum 2 rail, 54″ aluminum 3 rail FB, and 5’+ aluminum). You’ll also meet pool code if the fence is considered a solid wall and is at least 4′ tall(found in privacy vinyl, tight spacing vinyl picket, and tight spacing aluminum). Don’t forget about pool code latches, the gates swinging out, and keeping the fence no more than 2 inches off grade.
Will my dog get out of this fence or can the neighbor’s dog get in?
Dogs are kind of like thoughts: the people that have them, know them best. I’ve seen some small dogs climb a 6′ fence and then watch great danes be afraid of a fence they can walk over. Some dogs could be renamed to Loyal because they will never leave their home and others renamed to Houdini for their remarkable ability to escape. We recommend relaying your dogs temperment to the team so we can make sure we get you suited with the correct fence and not end up having a fence that doesn’t work for your dog.
Can you help with our HOA/ARB and do we need a permit?
Yes, we can help. We keep someone on staff to help walk through that process with you. Permit? Only if you’re in a municipality and/or you want to do a fence higher than 7′ tall(in most areas). We can take the paperwork to the city or to the county depending on what your project needs.
Why should I use Mr. Fence It instead of another fence company?
This can be a difficult question to answer without throwing mud. I don’t care to get my hands dirty or to act as if we are perfect. The best answer I can give is that we can be trusted. We are going to do what we say we are going to do. Our yes will be yes and our no will be no. If we fail, we will do our best to make it right and make sure you are treated like one of our own.